The Muscle Way

Pillars of Success
1. Player Development
Players hoping to move on to the next level of baseball must be good athletes. This means an unwavering commitment to development through hard work and building skills through repetition.
2. Academics
It is not enough to just be a good athlete. Players have to be a strong student as well. Our players must maintain academic excellence and commit to being the best student they can be in the classroom.
3. Character
Coaches at the next level are not interested in having problems on their rosters. Players that are troublemakers or destructive to their teams will have trouble finding opportunities to play at the next level.
4. Work Ethic
Coaches of all levels want players who are willing to work hard. Working hard both on and off the field to improve life skills is an important trait for coaches at the next level to see a player possesses.
Embrace Mistakes
A result, regardless of being positive or negative, is just part of the player development process.
All Muscle Baseball players are taught to play fearless in all aspects of the game. This means to not play afraid of making an out or causing an error. We teach the mentality of embracing mistakes, because that is how we truly learn.
There is no punishment for trying your best at all times. Mistakes will happen and our coaches will use them be as teachable moments.

Attitude and Effort
Our players respect the Muscle Baseball program and its coaches. Our teams play with equal parts discipline, preparation, and enthusiasm.
Muscle Baseball players always play with class. Character is a key ingredient of ability and our players and coaches will display good sportsmanship at all times.
Maximum Effort
Game performance is dictated by practice habits. Skills are developed in practiced and displayed during games. Our players give 100% effort in every practice.
Our players are expected to practice and play with purpose. Teammates will always be supportive of one another and respect themselves, their coaches, and the game in general.
Player Tailored Development
Focus on Fundamentals
We focus on teaching fundamentals and proper mechanics across the lifecycle of a Muscle Baseball player. We will build a solid foundation in Year One and continue to build upon that foundation year over year.
Skill Proficiency
For each level, specific cornerstones of player development are defined. These cornerstones serve as primary skills that a player at each level will become proficient in as they move through the program.
Development through Data
Muscle Baseball embraces data in our player development process. Tangible data is used to show individual improvement across various metrics. Technology is used by our coaches to effectively communicate personalized goals and area of developmental focus for each player.

Play High School and Beyond
Our mission is for All Muscle Baseball players to play baseball at the high school level should they choose.
We abide by the philosophy that youth players and their families should be focused on high school baseball first. College opportunities for those with the skill set and work ethic should come during a player's high school years.
Building upon the techniques and understanding of the game we teach, our players will be prepared both mentality and physically to continue their baseball careers for those who continue to work and build upon the foundation Muscle Baseball provides.
This is our commitment to our players.
The Muscle Way and our entire program philosophy is guided by our Executive Leaders.